Hungry Hungry Hipsters Rules


Make two card piles: one of food cards and one of
non-food (hipster) cards.

Each player draws 4 cards from the non-food pile to
make a hand. Each player places one food card
face-up in front of them.

The player with the least purposeful
glasses plays first. Play proceeds counter-clockwise.
(It’s less mainstream!)

On each player’s turn, he or she chooses to do
one of these two things:

1. Play one card from your hand.
Cards with positive or negative numbers in the
corners are modifier cards and can be attached to
another player’s food item or your own. Ideally you
should play positive modifier cards on your own food
and negative modifier cards on your opponent’s food,
but you may find reasons to do otherwise. Follow any
special instructions written on the cards played.

2. Eat your food.
If you choose to eat your food you do not play a
card. Take your food item and all of the attached
cards, if any, and move them into a food stack in
front of you for later scoring. After a food is eaten,
keep the food card face-up on that stack, with
modifiers hidden under it. No player may look at the
modifiers under any eaten food until the end of the game.
After you eat your food item, draw a new food
item and place it face up in front of you. You may
discard any cards you don’t want from your hand at
this time and draw back up to 4 cards.
If no modifier cards or food cards are left in the
draw piles, shuffle the discards and refresh the piles.

If a player begins his or her turn with a hand of zero
cards, he or she must eat his or her food.

Stolen Food
If your active (non-eaten) food was stolen or
removed before you could eat it, immediately draw a
new food and refresh your hand back up to 4 cards.

(We recommend you put your eaten foods sideways
to distinguish them from your active food.)

In a 3-4 player game, the game ends when 6 foods
have been eaten by one player.
5-6 players: 5 foods.
7-8 players: 4 foods.

Any food not eaten at the game’s end is discarded.

Each player reads his or her food items and modifiers.
Add up the modifier point values for each food.

Bonus Points
Each player receives additional points. Each player
finds his or her eaten food with the most modifier
cards on it, and receives 1 additional point for each
card in the stack (including the food card).
The bonus points were added to the game to help players
who get tons of negative modifier cards dumped on them
by their cruel friends. You know the ones.

After adding bonus points, the player with the most
points is the winner! If tied, the player with the highest
valued food is the winner.

Ironic Cards
Ironically cards may be played on any modifier card to reverse
its value. An ironic card only reverses the value of the modifier
card on which it was played, not any other associated cards. A
second ironic card placed on the same modifier will reverse the
value back to the original state. However, a third ironic card on
the same modifier causes the food to which it is attached to become
too ironic and the food implodes upon itself in a flash of irony!
Discard the food item and all attached modifiers.

Reaction Cards
Some cards are reaction cards; these cards are not
played in your turn but are played in response to
another player’s action during his or her turn, and will
not count as your card play for your next turn.
The reaction card cancels your opponent’s play;
discard both cards.

Q & A

Q: Can Food Poisoning be Ironic?

A: Yes it can! As any hipster knows, if you’ve accidentally eaten something terrible for the planet (or your reputation), it’s better out than in.

Q: Can you play Ironically on a modifier card attached to an eaten food?

A: No, the modifier card / food card must be in active play. The only exception to this are the cards Good Review and Food Poisoning; only these can be modified by the Ironically card when the food is out of active play.

Q: When can you play How Quaint?

A: How Quaint can be played at any time, as long as the game isn’t over, even if it is not your turn. How Quaint, however, can only be played as an immediate (within a few seconds) reaction to another card being played to cancel (and discard) the card played. You cannot play How Quaint to cancel an action that took place in the past.

Q: Does the Freegan card effect apply to the Cage-free card?

A: In the decision to have a few more fun interactions, “Freegan” has the added ability to affect other cards with the word “free,” so any of these cards will get the bonus with Freegan. Although if Freegan isn’t attached to the eaten food at the end of the game then the bonus is gone as well–additionally, it only gives one bonus, not +2 per “free” card.

Q: For the card “That looks so delicious…” what does the last line, “you do not draw additional cards” mean? Do I only
have 3 total cards in my hand for the rest of the game?

A: Ordinarily when you eat your food, you get a new food and refill your hand to 4 (discarding first if you like). When you steal someone’s food, you don’t draw cards, they get a new food and refill their hand. Afterwards, proceed as normal.